Sunday, August 3, 2014

Ugly Love = Ugly know...the usual:)

Okayokayokayokayokayokayokayokayokayokayokayokay…as I’m sitting down to write this, that’s all that keeps running through my mind. It’s like: Where do I begin? I need to focus here. And then it starts again…Okayokayokayokayokayokayokayokayokayokayokayokay. Okay. For real this time. Here I go. Okay.

Two words: Ugly Love

Three more words: BUY. THIS. BOOK.

Eight more words: WHY does she ALWAYS do this to me?

You know, maybe the question shouldn’t be ‘WHY?,’ rather; HOW?!?!? Every. Single Time. 

So here’s the deal. I pre-ordered Ugly Love forever ago because…well, because it has Colleen Hoover’s name on it and I’m buying whatever she’s selling. I knew it would hit my Kindle first thing Tuesday morning but then I saw people tweeting that B&N had it. B&N was selling the hard copies early. Hmmmph. What’s a girl to do? I don’t NEED this book now. It will be in my Kindle Tuesday morning. I don’t even like reading real books. They make it difficult (read: impossible) to read in bed in the dark. They are a pain to take on the elliptical and turning actual pages? *insert whining* Oh! And if I want to highlight something, I have to use an actual post-it instead of a swipe of my finger to highlight my favorite parts? What kind of medieval torture is this? Reading real actual books is hard. That’s what I kept telling myself anyway.

But it was there. I knew it was there because I called my local B&N to see if they had it and they did! And they even offered to hold a copy for me at the counter. I mean, after all, they had done all this work and were being so nice. How could I say no? AND the book is SO pretty. So, so, soooooooooo pretty. I think it’s my favorite of all Colleen’s covers. AND! I want Colleen to sign it one day. You see, I want to win her competition! You know, the one where she comes to your book club? Yeah. BUT I want her to come to Vegas when me and all my book besties are there in October. More on that later…

So yesterday I got a copy of Ugly Love in my hot little hands and it’s even prettier in person! I love this cover. Have I mentioned that yet? It’s pretty. Like really pretty. But enough about the outside. Let’s talk about what’s on the inside. No spoilers. Promise! 

There’s this part in Ugly Love where Tate says, “Until this moment, I thought a kiss was a kiss was a kiss. I had no idea kisses could mean different things and feel so completely opposite from one another.” Well, I say, “Until Colleen Hoover, I thought a book was a book was a book. I had no idea books could mean different things and feel so completely opposite from one another.” I say this because EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. she gets me. How does she do that? Just when you think you know where the story is going, Colleen lets you know that you don’t really know jack sh*t. It’s her way of telling me that a book is not a book is not a book—and especially not her books because they are all vastly different yet equally cry-inducing. It’s fascinating really. Disturbing, even. She is incredible. Incredible.

SO I don’t know the answer to the ‘Why?’ or the ‘How?’ Colleen does this but I do know that I am thankful. I am thankful that she took a chance on writing. I am thankful that she is a wonderful daughter who just wanted to write a book for her mom because that one act of kindness—that has given us some of the most genuine, and heart-wrenching books that earn their way to the top of the NY Times Bestsellers List by the quality and heart of the content alone. Colleen doesn’t write rainbows and sunshine. She writes books that will rip your heart out, keep you up reading past your bedtime, often resulting in you waking up with a swollen and puffy face as a result of the ugly cry she elicited. But at the end of the day, you keep coming back for more because it’s always worth it. Colleen always makes it worth it.

I know what you are wondering. Yes. The answer is YES. You will cry when you read Ugly Love. You will cry more than once. You will also get that sinking feeling in your stomach every time you open a chapter from Miles’s point of view because you know—you just know Colleen is about to bring the pain. But you can’t look away no matter how anxious it makes you because it’s always worth it. Colleen always makes it worth it. Of all Colleen’s books, Hopeless sits at the tippy top of my Colleen list. But guess what? Guess who gives the unforgettable Dean Holder a run for his money? Yep. Miles Archer. You NEED some Miles in your life. Trust me. I love Miles and I love this book and I love Colleen. Wow. That’s a whole lot of love:)

Full review of Ugly Love to come upon release but at this time, the only thing you need to know is that you NEED to buy this book. Buy it here! Read it. Cry your face off. Love it!!!!!!! Oh! And while you are one-clicking the book, also one-click Griffin Peterson’s song Ugly Love. Find it here! Oh…also stock up on tissues—you know, standard when reading a Colleen Hoover book. I promise that Ugly Love is worth EVERY laugh, every tear, and every little crack in your heart throughout the book. Happy reading!!!!
