Thursday, July 23, 2015


I’ve been a blogging delinquent, I know. I can’t write about anything unless I am genuinely inspired. Well, color me inspired!!!!!!!!!! Who else could bring me back to write this post other than the one and only Emma Chase…or Emmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmma as I affectionately refer to her.

So…what’s so incredible that I have to take a moment and scream from the rooftops? Emma’s new book, Sustained—that’s what! Holy frack!!! It’s fantastic. I would use all shouty caps in this post if I didn’t find excessive shouty caps annoying as a general rule. But know:  THIS BOOK IS INCREDIBLE WITH A SIDE OF AWESOME!!! I LOVE this book. Like REALLY loooooooooooooooooooooooove this book. 

Here’s the thing: I’ve been a loyal Emma fangirl since she gave me Drew Evans in Tangled. I LOVE Tangled!!!!! Seriously-it’s one of my favorite books in the history of ever and I’ll fight a girl for Drew because I adore that little pain in the ass. But you see…this is where it gets tricky: I met Jake Becker in Sustained…and...I can’t believe I am saying this…*gulp*…Drew is now on the bench (given his love for the Yankees and Jake’s love for the law, I’m sure they both appreciate this analogy:). It’s all about Jake Becker, beautiful people. I will be Jake’s Chelsea McQuaid any day of the week and twice on Sundays. I know Jake is busy on Sundays but I’ll tag along ;)

Here’s what I want to say about this book now (full review to come): Emma does what Emma does best in this book. Signature Emma brilliance includes (but not limited to, of course):

  • Emma does male POVs like nobody’s business. She gives us Sustained all from Jake’s point of view!!!
  • Emma makes us laugh. A LOT. Seriously…there were tears the first time Jake met Regan for the first time. “Hi.” *insert ALL the laughing emojis*
  • Speaking of Regan, that’s another thing Emma does best: She makes you fall in love with and/or want to punch all of the supporting characters. 
  • Also, it wouldn’t be an Emma book if she didn’t bring the heat. Which she does. Holy frack, does she bring the heat!!!!   

If you can’t tell, I loooooooooooooooooooooove this book. Sustained releases on August 25th. You  NEED this book in your life. Trust me!!! One click Sustained  HERE!!!!!!: More verbal vomit to come in my full review closer to release, but know this: You NEED this book in your life. As a general rule, you cannot go wrong with Emma Men (ha! try saying that 3 times fast), but Jake will own you. Completely, totally, always and forever own you. *insert ALL the swooning emojis*


Monday, April 13, 2015

It's almost Beautiful Secret Day!!!!!

Okay boys and girls…are you ready? I am going to write a review void of my “Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” and “kodjskhfufdskfougirhsfkdlskgisddfjjkdfher!!!” which are both pretty standard in my Christina Lauren reviews. I’m going to try to be a grown up here. Let’s see how that goes.

*sits up straight*

Here we go…

I didn’t say this review wouldn’t include confetti cannons…because if ANY book deserves confetti cannons, Beautiful Secret deserves confetti cannons! Ahem…okay…back to being a grown up.

I love this book. I love this book more than I could every properly convey. If you have never read a Christina Lauren book (how is that even possible?), you MUST read this book. I promise that once you finish Beautiful Secret that you will want to read every book this duo has ever written.

Niall isn’t the bastard that is Bennett. Niall isn’t the brave exhibitionist that is Max (although Niall IS Max’s brother). Niall isn’t the God among men, Will. Niall isn’t sweet Ansel. Niall is not the rugged, outdoorsy, good with a rope, fisherman Finn. Niall is Niall Stella.

Niall is his own man and he is so unlike any of Christina Lauren’s other leading men, it’s unreal. It’s unreal in that: HOW do they write these characters that are so incredibly different from one another? I mean, one would think Max and Niall might be similar since they are brothers. Nope. Completely different. COMPLETELY. Christina Lauren’s ability to give each of their character’s his/her own ‘voice’ is what makes me read book after book after book. 

Just as C and Lo are consistent with making sure EVERY leading man is completely different and incredible, Christina Lauren also makes sure that each and everyone of their leading women are smart, witty and strong. The women that Christina Lauren write are women any woman would be happy to call a friend. Christina Lauren women will never be confused with any sniveling, 'Why is this happening to me? Someone please save me.' heroine. Ever. In Beautiful Secret, Ruby is brilliant, fun, sassy and a phenomenal heroine. Give me a smart and fearless girl any day of the week.  I love Ruby just as much as I love Niall. I do. I really do!!!! 

Oh! Something else that Christina Lauren ALWAYS does? They make you feel like you are there! Beautiful Secret took place in New York and London. What better locations??? While I have been to New York several times, I have never been to London. However, after reading Beautiful Secret I feel like I have. The depth of their descriptions is priceless. The descriptions that Christina Lauren uses to engage you in the story is incomparable. From the soggy streets of London to the airplane bathroom to the vibrant streets of New York...C and Lo make you feel like you are there. 
I love Niall. I love Ruby. And I love Niall and Ruby’s story!!! I looooooooooove Beautiful Secret. From the cover to the contents of it. I love everything about Beautiful Secret. Beautiful Secret is a book that I didn’t want to end. I foresee begging Christina Lauren for a Niall and Ruby novella in the very near future. I mean…I know they have other things to do…you know, like write other books…but…

It’s THAT good! How many times do you finish a book and immediately want to read it again? How many times do you finish a book and immediately want more? How many times do you finish a book and cry yourself to sleep at night because you just found the man of your dreams…in a book? Wait. Too much?  I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this book and you will too! 

One-click Beautiful Secret HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once you have met and fallen completely in love with the perfection that is Niall, let’s talk, yeah?  I'll be over here like this if you need me:

Or like this:


Friday, April 10, 2015

Bennett, Max, Will, Ansel, Finn, Niall, Oh my!!!!!!

So I read an article yesterday that was ranking Nicholas Sparks’ book couples. I’ll be honest. I have never read a Nicholas Sparks novel. I have, however, been (begrudgingly) dragged to several of his movies. Every time I am forced to go to one of his movies I assure you that my friends have to endure my eye rolling, my snark, my sighing, and my ‘are you kidding me with this?’ commentary. I’m pretty much the embodiment of a moody teenage girl when I have to sit through a Sparks movie. But not even the pretty that is Scott Eastwood will get me out of my house to see this latest adaption. No way.

My question is: Who reads this stuff? I get that he’s a man writing books intended for women but what self-respecting woman reads this stuff? It seems to me that the women are placed in his movies to simply ogle the men they hope will somehow save them. Oh! And every plot ‘twist’ is about as subtle as an incoming freight train. I. Just. Don’t. Get. It. 

Okay…with that tangent aside, where was I going with this post…Oh! Yes! Ranking book couples! That’s where I’m going with this post. I decided that I would take a moment to rank my favorite Christina Lauren book couples. It got ugly! Me arguing with myself, that is:)

Oh! One more thing! Before I start ranking my CLo couples, I should note: I love these couples. I love them possibly because these are couples written by women! For women (and maybe some men)! And as a woman, I find it beyond refreshing to read non-submissive ‘I will not take your crap simply because you are hot’ women! Christina Lauren writes women who you do not want to punch in the face. They write women who belong in the here and now and not…say…1954. Okay…second tangent aside:)

Let’s do this!!!!!! Wait. Hold on. I should also note that this is painful. It is like choosing between my favorite kind pie! I loooooooooooooooooove pie. Like a lot. And! If you ask me at a later date, my favorite Christina Lauren couple could change. Aghhhhhhhhhhh. WHY is this so hard??? Okay…here we go…

6. Ansel and Mia
You know it’s bad when the sweetness that is Ansel is at the bottom of your list. And by bad, I mean: Ansel would end up on top if he was up against pretty much any other author’s character! I love Ansel. I love Mia. Viva La France!!! I mean…Ansel showed up in Dirty Rowdy Thing wearing a sombrero filled with tortilla chips…because, according to Harlow, he’s an ‘adorable idiot.’ Looooooooooove how sweet and tender Ansel is. It is really quite fascinating that Christina Lauren can write the bastard that is Bennett as unbelievably well as the tenderness that is Ansel. I love that Sweet Filthy Boy!!!

5. Max and Sara Aghhhhhhhhhh!!! One word: British. Another word: Rugby. *fans self* I was initially sad when I realized Beautiful Stanger wouldn’t be Bennett and Chloe part 2. But then I met Max and Sara and have been in love with this Brit ever since. Oh…and don’t forget one of my favorite Max scenes ever found in Beautiful Beginning! “Would you stop being such a twat and relax? I’ve got this.” Yes. Yes you do, Max!

4. Finn and Harlow Finnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!! Who knew I could ever want a rugged fisherman? Christina Lauren knew. That’s who!!! I don’t do outdoorsy anything. Like at all. I’m allergic. For real-completely and totally allergic but I would go to my allergist to get daily allergy shots if that meant I could be Harlow. Dirty Rowdy Thing indeed! Swooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon.

3. Bennett and Chloe Beautiful Bastard started it all. Do you know what is so perfect about Beautiful Bastard? That Bennett is such a complete bastard and it’s okay! It’s okay because Chole is a total biatch! They are so perfect together and I love Mr. Mills (insert cheesy grin) and Mrs. Ryan more than I can ever say. Also: The last line of Beautiful Beginning is my favorite last sentence to ANY Christina Lauren book. *wink*

2. Will and Hanna I have the world’s biggest smile on my face even thinking about Beautiful Player! I love this book. I think this is the first Christina Lauren book that I can quote by memory without referring to my insane amount of Kindle highlights! For example: “Guys really like the anal, don’t they…” *insert me almost peeing myself* “It’s just called anal. Not the anal.” I die. Right there! That’s not even mentioning the decapitated (ceramic) baby Jesus and all the other incredible Will and Hanna moments. Love! Love! Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove!

1. Niall and Ruby Beautiful Secret is the most recent Christina Lauren book I have read and 2 words: Niall Stella. My phone even knows how awesome he is. It autocaps to NIALL every time! He is the ‘everything I have ever wanted in a dream man, please make him be real so I can marry him!!!’ kind of wonderful. I am in love with Niall and Ruby and their story and everything about this book screams: PERFECTION!!!!!!!!!!! Less than a week before Beautiful Secret releases. Less than a week for the world to prepare for the next great book hangover. P. E. R. F. E. C. T. I. O. N.

I feel like going back to read every single Christina Lauren book…you know what would happen then? It would be like throwing my ranking up in the air and seeing how it lands just because every book is so freaking fantastic. I joke that they are magical writing unicorns because what else could explain that every single book is unforgettable? I love them all! The best thing is: I don’t just love the men in the books! I love the women! I want to be their friends. They are strong and a force to be reckoned with in every single way.

So this started out with why I will NOT be venturing out to see another cliché “Girl meets hot boy. Hot boy ‘saves’ helpless girl.” movie this weekend. Rather, I can stay home with the happiness in my Kindle…you know, with a Christina Lauren book that reads more like, “Girl meets hot boy. *insert filth and fun* They save each other. The end.” I say you stay in with me this weekend and to the same:) You can find EVERY Christina Lauren book HERE!!!!!

So tell me (and by tell me, I mean tweet me)…who’s your fav and why? 


Thursday, April 9, 2015

REAL is 2!!!!!!

Guys!!!! Today is the TWO YEAR Anniversary of REAL!!!!! Two years ago Katy Evans hit ‘publish’ and self-published REAL! Think about this: Katy wrote and published this masterpiece all on her own! She was quickly scooped up by a publisher because it did not take the book world long to recognize that she is a SUPER STAR!

One of my favorite books in the entire world turns 2 today and I couldn’t be more nostalgic! I looooooooooooooooooove REAL. I looooooooooooooooooove Remy. And Brooke! And I looooooooooooooooooove Katy Evans.

True story: I got to meet Katy in person last spring and she is just as sweet and caring and genuine and wonderful as you would expect her to be. I was lucky enough to be her assistant at her Chicago signing and my heart melted as reader after reader came up to her. Readers from all over the country were thanking her and hugging her and telling her how much Remy’s story meant to them. It was incredibly moving. At that time, we hadn’t met any of Katy’s other men but Remy was all it took to have Katy’s line completely full from the start to the end of the signing.

I love that day. Not only because I got to spend the entire day with Katy but because I got to watch her feel the love from all of the readers she has touched with her words. I have said this before and I will say it again: Katy is a reader’s writer. She pours her heart and her soul into every book she writes. She doesn’t take her job as an author for granted. She gives every book she writes her all and I couldn’t be happier for the success she has had. I. LOVE. HER. HARD.

If you have not yet read REAL, what are you waiting for???? You can one click the perfection that is REAL here! I’m also including links at the end of this blog post for all of Katy’s books, because, really, you can’t not have Katy’s goodness in your life! Goodness like THIS:

Rem had me at, "Your name..." Ooooooooomf! I am so thankful not only for this phenomenal book and for Katy but for all of the friends I have made as we bonded over our love for REAL and our lickable lion who is Remy. I cannot stress enough how much everyone who loves to read needs this book in their life! Perfection. Complete and total perfection.

So today…on this REAL anniversary, take a minute to gift this masterpiece to a friend who hasn’t met Remy yet. Take a moment and open your Kindle or flip through your paperback to remember why we all fell in love with the beautiful soul who is Remington Tate and appreciate the pure talent of Katy Evans! Go forth and gift and read!!! I’ll be spending the afternoon with Rem if you need me:)


Books by Katy Evans that you need in your life:

Remy and Brooke's story:
REMY (my FAVORITE!!!!!!)

Mel & Greyson's story:

Mackenna & Pandora's story:

Malcolm & Rachael's story:

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Beautiful Secret

Oh for the love of all things incredible, where do I begin???????? I typically will talk about Christina Lauren books with my customary, “Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” or a “okdasldfjehfhdgfhsjkdjklsjfuhkdjklsakfdhfjsdhkjdsklfjhsdjjklsdjfk!!!!!” I mean. Holy keysmash, Batman!!!! But this. THIS book calls for more than my standard ridiculousness.

I have gushed about Christina Lauren books before and every time I pick up a new one I think: Will this be the one? Will this be the one they don’t knock out of the park? Because, really: Who kills it EVERY time they write a book? Christina Lauren. That’s who!!!!

I just finished Beautiful Secret and I will post my review when it officially releases on April 14th but I need to talk about this book in general. NO spoilers. I promise. No spoilers, just facts.

Fact 1: I LOVE this book. When I say I LOVE this book, it isn’t a flippant ‘I love this book.’ type of love. Rather, it’s an “I can’t believe how much I adore Ruby and how much I wish Niall was real and I can’t believe Christina Lauren can make me laugh and cry and love these characters and this story so effing much!!!’ type of LOVE.

Fact 2: Ruby is incredible. Ruby is what all female heroines should aspire to be. She is smart. She is witty. She is thoughtful. She is funny. She is who you would want for a best friend. AND she is just what Niall needs.

Fact 3: Niall is a Stella. I knew that the Stella blood running through his veins had to be a good sign. I had NO idea how good. Niall is a Stella but he is definitely not Max. I haven’t wanted  one of Christina Lauren’s men to be real so badly since I met Will. *insert whining and crying* Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy is Niall not real? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???? *insert more whining and crying*

Fact 4: This book is funny. This book is ‘if you are not careful you may accidentally fall off your wheely chair laughing’ FUNNY!!!! Funnier than my favorite scene in Beautiful Beginning FUNNY!!!!

FACT 5: This book will break your heart. Genuine ‘my nose is tingly, why is my vision getting blurry, why does my heart hurt, and why are they making me cry?’ heartbreaking.

FACT 6: This book is HOT. But!!!! It’s not HOT in the typical Christina Lauren way. You just wait. I talked to Lo when I saw her at a book signing in Vegas. She had told me that Niall was different than all of the Christina Lauren men who came before him. She used the adjective, ‘reserved’ and I thought: Hmmmmmm…reserved? Coming from the same author who gave me Bennett ripping Chloe’s panties off in the first chapter? I thought she meant maybe Niall and Ruby would wait until chapter 2 in Beautiful Secret. Wrong. I was soooooooooooooo wrong. I have never been so happy to be so very wrong.

Fact 7: This book is PERFECTION. I very rarely use the word perfection. Well, unless I’m talking about Matt Bomer because…HELLO!!! Have you seen Matt Bomer??? Beautiful Secret is complete and total perfection. You must pre-order this book now. You want this book in your Kindle the moment it releases. I just finished it and I want to read it again. Pre-order it HERE!!!!!

Fact 8: It does not get any better than Beautiful Secret. Or does it, Christina Lauren? What else are you hiding from us in your writing caves??? Because I am one-clicking whatever you are writing! Dedicated (in a totally non-creepy way) fangirl, party of 1 is ready!!!!

After writing all of this, I still feel like: Oh for the love of all things incredible, where do I begin???????? I will have more to say…once I can get my thoughts and my feelings in order to formulate a coherent review but for now…I cannot encourage you enough to pre-order this book. If you have never read Christina Lauren books before, my response is:

Quickly followed by: THIS IS THE BOOK FOR YOU. You really need this book in your life. You’re welcome:) I’ll be over here basking in my post- Beautiful Secret happiness if you need me. More Niall and Ruby talk to come...


Monday, March 2, 2015

Etsy FTW!!!!

You guys know I love books…and authors who write books…and books… and fictional characters…and books… and authors who write books…you know this to be true. Where am I going with this rambling, you ask? Oh…somewhere. I’m going somewhere:)

I love to meet my favorite authors. I completely embarrass myself in front of them. Every. Single. Time. One would think I would be able to keep my shit together. One would be wrong. So very, very, VERY wrong. There’s typically crying and incoherent mumbling, shrieking, and all kinds of other embarrassing behavior. You see, I take my favorite authors very seriously!

I like to give my favorite authors something when I meet them. Usually a token to say: I am so sorry that you think I may be clinically insane but I just love you and your books soooooooooooooo much! Please don’t run away from me! I love you! See. Totally not crazy! As a result, when I was meeting some of my favorites last spring, I turned to Erica who is one of my very best friends (and the craftiest person I know). She made me the best shadow boxes for me to gift my favorite authors. They turned out great!!! As a result, my sweet friend gifted me my own frames for my bookshelves and I can’t not share this goodness with you!!!

Erica knows how much I love Christina Lauren so she made me this treasure! I am currently in the process of gifting this frame:

She made it for me as a birthday present and I immediately asked if she would make another one for me to spread the Christina Lauren love. See HERE for details on how to win!!! Seriously. It’s easy. Tweet me. DM me. Leave a note on my original post re: the frame. Show me your pre-order receipt for Beautiful Stranger. Just tell me why you love Christina Lauren and you could be the winner! I will pick a winner to receive this snazzy frame before  Beautiful Stranger releases on April 14th! (side note: April 14th!!!! Is it April yet? Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis it?!?!?!)

Which leads me to this. Erica has had to endure my crazy since college…she’s a total trooper! She saw how excited I was over my birthday present and I demanded to pay for the one I would be gifting. She had to walk me through how to order it on her Etsy store but I did it! This was the text convo after I purchased my first Etsy order:

I have issues. I know! I can navigate myself around my Twitter no problem! But Etsy! I’m a newbie. You should have seen my 'order notes'! I was a total spas! To say thank you to me for actually ordering from her (I swear-she has been making me the coolest stuff FOREVER!)…and because she is incredible…she made me this:

Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Can you believe it????????? She sent me a random text that asked for my 10 favorite book couples. I had no idea she was putting this together. I die!!!! Why am I telling you all of this? Because I just want to spread the word and the crafting love. You can order any of these from her Etsy store. The best part! They are all completely customizable. Which is the best part!!!! I love, love, LOVE these for my bookshelves at home! I also think it’s a great gift for the book lover in your life.

So if you are an Etsy newbie like myself, it’s not that hard to navigate, I promise. Here is the link for her store: . I think that's it. She also created a little section of things she's made just for me but would be happy to make for anyone:

You guys knew before that I love books…and authors who write books…and fictional characters…and now you know that I love crafts that are inspired by my love of books and the authors I adore!

In case you are wondering, the couples listed in my frame above are my VERY favorites:
Drew & Kate from Tangled by Emma Chase! Buy HERE!
Remy & Brooke from Real by Katy Evans! Buy HERE!
Will & Hanna from Beautiful Player by Christina Lauren! Buy HERE!
Edward & Bella...
Simon & Caroline from Wallbanger by Alice Clayton! Buy HERE!
Braden & Joss from On Dublin Street by Samantha Young! Buy HERE!
Holder & Sky from Hopeless by Colleen Hoover! Buy HERE!

If you haven't read ALL of the books I mentioned above, DO SO IMMEDIATELY. You can thank me later! Until then, I'll see you on Twitter! Where we can talk books! Don't forget to enter to win the beautiful Christina Lauren frame above!!! 


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Show Me Your Christina Lauren Love!!!!

Guys!!!!! I love you. I do. I originally came to Twitter because of my love for books. I was looking for fellow crazies to talk about and obsess over all my favorite books with me. And I hit the jackpot! I have met so many wonderful people!!! Lucky, lucky me for finding all of YOU!!! So I would like to pay it forward.

I received THE best gift from a friend who happens to be the craftiest person I know. I mean…it’s just sooooooooooooo cool! I think all self-respecting #bookwhores need one to go on their bookshelf next to their favorite books. She knows how much I love Christina Lauren so she surprised me with THIS:

Look at it! Just look at it!!! Are you in love or are you in looooooooove? Because, I am in looooooooove!!! So I decided that I needed her to make me another one so that I could gift to one of you beautiful people who also LOVE Christina Lauren! Oh! And!!! I must note that the picture doesn’t do it justice. At first I thought it was something she could print easily. I was wrong. Go figure! The reason it is so cool is because the letters are die cut vinyl on scrapbook paper on a board and mounted to a shadow box. Holy depth! Do you see why I’m in love?

So how do you win this beautiful treasure? Easy! Tell me why YOU love C and Lo!!! Did they have you at panty ripping? Public sex? Was it the decapitated baby Jesus that had you swooning? Sweet, sweet Ansel? Or was it Fisherman Finn? Tell me why you LOVE them! Tell my why you cannot wait for Beautiful Secret! P.S.: Have you pre-ordered Beautiful Secret yet? The British are coming! The British are coming!!! I haven’t met Niall yet but I’m dying inside a little at the thought. *insert heart eyes emojis HERE*

So yes…if you think this frame would be a lovely addition to your bookshelf, tell me why!!! You can comment below or you can tweet me @smuttastic ßyou know, my preferred method of communication:) Beautiful Secret releases on April 14th so I will pick a winner sometime between now and then—BUT I will definitely make sure this is shipped and in your hands before Beautiful Secret releases! So tell me why you are the ultimate fangirl who deserves this awesome tribute piece to C and Lo!!!!

Oh…also, my friend who made this recently opened her own Etsy store. Her store is Avalon Sunshine and it’s so cute! Look at what inspired the Christina Lauren frame: Sooooooooo cute, right? I am the world’s worst Etsy user b/c I am clueless as to how Etsy works. BUT! I can tell you that she makes the cutest stuff—all customizable! I’m thinking I may need her to make me another one of these and include all my favorite book couples in one shadow box! I’m going to write another blog post in honor of her Etsy store next but until then, feel free to check it out!

Okay…so tweet me, comment, tell me why YOU need this frame in your life!!! Oh! And while you are at it: Be sure to pre-order Beautiful Secret HERE!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Beautiful Beloved is almost HERE!!!!

Guys!!!! It’s almost time! It’s almost time! It’s almost time!!!!!!! Our first Beautiful baby is almost here! Can you believe it? And can you believe our first Beautiful baby belongs to Max and Sara? Who is squeeeeeeing in excitement with me?

I think it’s fitting that Beautiful Beloved releases on Groundhog’s Day because, I for one, am constantly begging C and Lo for more! I could read Christina Lauren books again and again and again and again and again…I think you get my point:)

If you haven’t done so already, you can one-click Beautiful Beloved HERE!!!!!

When I realized our first Beautiful baby belonged to Max and Sara, it all seemed to make sense that they were our Beautiful couple to give us this sweet baby. There’s this classic part in Beautiful Beloved where Will says, “Let us watch the kiddo. We’re her godparents, right? I mean, I know you haven’t decided yet, but we’d be way better than Chloe and Bennett because let’s be real: they’re assholes.” Bawhahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Who’s dying with me? And did you catch that part? WILL said it! Yep, we get some Will in Beautiful Beloved and I loooooooooove Will.

Beautiful Beloved showcases C and Lo being C and Lo. They have this incredible gift of bringing the heat and making you laugh and leaving you begging for more, more, more!!! Oh…also…we get to meet Max’s brother Niall in Beautiful Beloved!!!! You know…Niall…who we will all be swooning over when Beautiful Secret releases! I can’t frigging wait!  

As we patiently wait for the goodness that is Niall in Beautiful Secret, fall in love with Max and Sara all over again in Beautiful Beloved! Per the usual, C and Lo do not disappoint! Buy. This. Book. Love! Love! Love!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh...I will be over here patiently waiting for April and Beautiful Secret  if you need me! You can pre-order Beautiful Secret  HERE.


Saturday, January 31, 2015


I have a love/hate relationship with the Thoughtless/Effortless/Reckless series. And by love/hate, I mean that I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove Kellan and I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate Kiera. It’s just how it is. Kellan is the definition of everything I could ever want in a fictional boyfriend (BTW: Are we sure Kellan has to be fictional??? Because if not, show me the way to Pete’s!!!) while Kiera is everything I want to punch in the face over and over again.

It has been awhile since I read Reckless so I think I blocked out just how much I haaaaaaaaaaaaaated Kiera in Thoughtless. But I love Kellan so much that I was ready for any way Kiera could possibly annoy me in Thoughtful. Or not. I was definitely NOT ready because by the time I finished Thoughtful, I was in a complete and total rage. I vented to my friends. I tried to watch Goonies to distract myself from my heartbreak. I went to bed early and slept a really long time…but now I’m up and my heart still hurts. I think the rage helps mask my heartbreak but let’s talk the rage and the heartbreak, shall we?

Oh! Wait! Before we talk rage and heartbreak, I need to take a moment to say a little something about SC Stephens. Her writing is incredible. I dare to say her writing is flawless. Her books are full of depth and meaning and heart and pain and love. I wouldn’t be able to hate Kiera as much as I do and adore the ground that Kellan walks on if SC wasn’t so damn talented. Pure talent. More! I want more!!! And by more, I mean I need SC to write Effortless and Reckless from Kellan’s point of view also. Okay…back to Thoughtful.

Before I get to the pain, I should note that the good times through Kellan’s eyes in Thoughtful are so incredibly perfect. The first time I heard him say, ‘Mornin’ I squealed like you wouldn’t believe.  Dude. Kellan freaking Kyle smiling and saying ‘Mornin’ as he leaned against his counter? I die. I love him. Can you tell??? Oh! And Kellan with Evan and Matt and Griff? So great from Kellan’s point of view. So freaking great! Okay…on with the pain…

This book will crush you. If you remember all of the feelings you had when you read Thoughtless for the first time, multiply those feelings by the biggest number you can multiply by because Thoughtful will crush you. We read Thoughtless through Kiera’s point of view and as a result, I was constantly screaming things like this at her: What is wrong with you??? You are breaking him! Stupid! I hate you! I need you to get hit by a bus.  Choose Kellan! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU????  So! I was surprised that I didn’t completely abhor Kiera until about 30% through Thoughtful. That had to be some type of record. But then…then it happened and my hatred for her spiraled completely out of control. Why??? Oh…let me count the ways.

In Thoughtful  we get to hear all of Kellan’s inner monologue and it hurts. Every time Kiera rejected him or turned him away or chose Denny, it broke him a little more and Kellan did not deserve to be broken. He deserved so much better. I just want to scoop him up and run my fingers through his hair and love him. Love him because he is truly, genuinely a beautiful soul deserving of love and not because he is a super hot rockstar (although: bonus!).  

I don’t want to include passages of Kellan’s internal monologue from Thoughtful because I want you to read them and feel them in the moment-like I did-so that you can get the same punch in the gut. It hurts. We get to learn more about Kellan’s childhood. And his awful parents. And his pain. We get to hear all of the emotional baggage that Kellan carries around with him and it will break you. And if that’s not enough! There’s Kiera-playing with his heart-and seemingly reinforcing all the feelings he already had about himself. Stupid Kiera!!!

Something that enrages me now more than it did when I read it from Kiera’s point of view is when she slaps him multiple times. She. Slaps. Him. Multiple. Times. *insert all the angry emojis in the whole entire world HERE* After learning about the depth of abuse Kellan suffered at the hands of his parents…I hate Kiera. Now and for the history of forever. I hate her.

Phew! That’s a lot of anger I’m carrying around. Geesh. But again! I couldn’t have such strong feelings of hatred for Kiera and love for Kellan if SC Stephens wasn’t so freakishly talented!!! How many ways can I beg her for more of Kellan’s point of view?

If any fictional character deserves a happily ever after, it is Kellan. And even though I wish that Kiera would have taken a kick to the head in that parking lot that would have resulted in her never waking up again. Ever. You know, so Kellan could find someone who wouldn’t torture him over and over again…she did wake up. And Kellan loves her. *heavy sigh* I remember thinking when I finished Reckless…I thought: Okay. Maybe Kiera isn’t that bad. She can live. But I don’t know now. After feeling Kellan’s pain in Thoughtful, I’m going to need SC to write Effortless and Reckless from Kellan’s point of view to see if she can change my mind:)  

If you need me, I’ll be begging SC for those requests (over and over again). In the meantime, pre-order Thoughtful HERE!!! Before reading, prepare to cry, yell, scream, swoon, and completely have your heart ripped out. It will hurt but it will be oh so worth it!

As I was tweeting while reading Thoughtful  I had some people tell me that they haven’t read Thoughtless, Effortless, or Reckless for a variety of reasons. To those people, I have said this: If you aren’t sure you want to invest the time and money into these three books, wait. Wait until Thoughtful is released and buy Thoughtful. Once you read Thoughtful, you won’t be able to turn back. I personally think that Thoughtful  is THE best of the entire series. I should also note that I stand by my assessment that the epilogue in Reckless is the best epilogue in the history of epilogues. It is. And on that note…I’m gonna go listen to Debbie Gibson’s Lost in Your Eyes:) Buy this book, beautiful people!!! Buy it!!!

Thoughtful  releases on February 24th so be sure to pre-order it now so that Kellan is waiting for you in your Kindle when you wake up that 'mornin'. :) One more thing!!! As I was looking for the links for ThoughtlessEffortless, and Reckless, I noticed they are now super cheap!!! If you don't have them, buy them! OR gift the goodness of Kellan! Thoughtless,  can be one-clicked HERE for 99 pennies!!! Only 99 PENNIES!!! Effortless can be found HERE and Reckless HERE for only $2.99! What a deal!!! Spread the Kellan love!
