Saturday, March 21, 2015

Beautiful Secret

Oh for the love of all things incredible, where do I begin???????? I typically will talk about Christina Lauren books with my customary, “Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” or a “okdasldfjehfhdgfhsjkdjklsjfuhkdjklsakfdhfjsdhkjdsklfjhsdjjklsdjfk!!!!!” I mean. Holy keysmash, Batman!!!! But this. THIS book calls for more than my standard ridiculousness.

I have gushed about Christina Lauren books before and every time I pick up a new one I think: Will this be the one? Will this be the one they don’t knock out of the park? Because, really: Who kills it EVERY time they write a book? Christina Lauren. That’s who!!!!

I just finished Beautiful Secret and I will post my review when it officially releases on April 14th but I need to talk about this book in general. NO spoilers. I promise. No spoilers, just facts.

Fact 1: I LOVE this book. When I say I LOVE this book, it isn’t a flippant ‘I love this book.’ type of love. Rather, it’s an “I can’t believe how much I adore Ruby and how much I wish Niall was real and I can’t believe Christina Lauren can make me laugh and cry and love these characters and this story so effing much!!!’ type of LOVE.

Fact 2: Ruby is incredible. Ruby is what all female heroines should aspire to be. She is smart. She is witty. She is thoughtful. She is funny. She is who you would want for a best friend. AND she is just what Niall needs.

Fact 3: Niall is a Stella. I knew that the Stella blood running through his veins had to be a good sign. I had NO idea how good. Niall is a Stella but he is definitely not Max. I haven’t wanted  one of Christina Lauren’s men to be real so badly since I met Will. *insert whining and crying* Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy is Niall not real? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???? *insert more whining and crying*

Fact 4: This book is funny. This book is ‘if you are not careful you may accidentally fall off your wheely chair laughing’ FUNNY!!!! Funnier than my favorite scene in Beautiful Beginning FUNNY!!!!

FACT 5: This book will break your heart. Genuine ‘my nose is tingly, why is my vision getting blurry, why does my heart hurt, and why are they making me cry?’ heartbreaking.

FACT 6: This book is HOT. But!!!! It’s not HOT in the typical Christina Lauren way. You just wait. I talked to Lo when I saw her at a book signing in Vegas. She had told me that Niall was different than all of the Christina Lauren men who came before him. She used the adjective, ‘reserved’ and I thought: Hmmmmmm…reserved? Coming from the same author who gave me Bennett ripping Chloe’s panties off in the first chapter? I thought she meant maybe Niall and Ruby would wait until chapter 2 in Beautiful Secret. Wrong. I was soooooooooooooo wrong. I have never been so happy to be so very wrong.

Fact 7: This book is PERFECTION. I very rarely use the word perfection. Well, unless I’m talking about Matt Bomer because…HELLO!!! Have you seen Matt Bomer??? Beautiful Secret is complete and total perfection. You must pre-order this book now. You want this book in your Kindle the moment it releases. I just finished it and I want to read it again. Pre-order it HERE!!!!!

Fact 8: It does not get any better than Beautiful Secret. Or does it, Christina Lauren? What else are you hiding from us in your writing caves??? Because I am one-clicking whatever you are writing! Dedicated (in a totally non-creepy way) fangirl, party of 1 is ready!!!!

After writing all of this, I still feel like: Oh for the love of all things incredible, where do I begin???????? I will have more to say…once I can get my thoughts and my feelings in order to formulate a coherent review but for now…I cannot encourage you enough to pre-order this book. If you have never read Christina Lauren books before, my response is:

Quickly followed by: THIS IS THE BOOK FOR YOU. You really need this book in your life. You’re welcome:) I’ll be over here basking in my post- Beautiful Secret happiness if you need me. More Niall and Ruby talk to come...


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