Monday, March 2, 2015

Etsy FTW!!!!

You guys know I love books…and authors who write books…and books… and fictional characters…and books… and authors who write books…you know this to be true. Where am I going with this rambling, you ask? Oh…somewhere. I’m going somewhere:)

I love to meet my favorite authors. I completely embarrass myself in front of them. Every. Single. Time. One would think I would be able to keep my shit together. One would be wrong. So very, very, VERY wrong. There’s typically crying and incoherent mumbling, shrieking, and all kinds of other embarrassing behavior. You see, I take my favorite authors very seriously!

I like to give my favorite authors something when I meet them. Usually a token to say: I am so sorry that you think I may be clinically insane but I just love you and your books soooooooooooooo much! Please don’t run away from me! I love you! See. Totally not crazy! As a result, when I was meeting some of my favorites last spring, I turned to Erica who is one of my very best friends (and the craftiest person I know). She made me the best shadow boxes for me to gift my favorite authors. They turned out great!!! As a result, my sweet friend gifted me my own frames for my bookshelves and I can’t not share this goodness with you!!!

Erica knows how much I love Christina Lauren so she made me this treasure! I am currently in the process of gifting this frame:

She made it for me as a birthday present and I immediately asked if she would make another one for me to spread the Christina Lauren love. See HERE for details on how to win!!! Seriously. It’s easy. Tweet me. DM me. Leave a note on my original post re: the frame. Show me your pre-order receipt for Beautiful Stranger. Just tell me why you love Christina Lauren and you could be the winner! I will pick a winner to receive this snazzy frame before  Beautiful Stranger releases on April 14th! (side note: April 14th!!!! Is it April yet? Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis it?!?!?!)

Which leads me to this. Erica has had to endure my crazy since college…she’s a total trooper! She saw how excited I was over my birthday present and I demanded to pay for the one I would be gifting. She had to walk me through how to order it on her Etsy store but I did it! This was the text convo after I purchased my first Etsy order:

I have issues. I know! I can navigate myself around my Twitter no problem! But Etsy! I’m a newbie. You should have seen my 'order notes'! I was a total spas! To say thank you to me for actually ordering from her (I swear-she has been making me the coolest stuff FOREVER!)…and because she is incredible…she made me this:

Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Can you believe it????????? She sent me a random text that asked for my 10 favorite book couples. I had no idea she was putting this together. I die!!!! Why am I telling you all of this? Because I just want to spread the word and the crafting love. You can order any of these from her Etsy store. The best part! They are all completely customizable. Which is the best part!!!! I love, love, LOVE these for my bookshelves at home! I also think it’s a great gift for the book lover in your life.

So if you are an Etsy newbie like myself, it’s not that hard to navigate, I promise. Here is the link for her store: . I think that's it. She also created a little section of things she's made just for me but would be happy to make for anyone:

You guys knew before that I love books…and authors who write books…and fictional characters…and now you know that I love crafts that are inspired by my love of books and the authors I adore!

In case you are wondering, the couples listed in my frame above are my VERY favorites:
Drew & Kate from Tangled by Emma Chase! Buy HERE!
Remy & Brooke from Real by Katy Evans! Buy HERE!
Will & Hanna from Beautiful Player by Christina Lauren! Buy HERE!
Edward & Bella...
Simon & Caroline from Wallbanger by Alice Clayton! Buy HERE!
Braden & Joss from On Dublin Street by Samantha Young! Buy HERE!
Holder & Sky from Hopeless by Colleen Hoover! Buy HERE!

If you haven't read ALL of the books I mentioned above, DO SO IMMEDIATELY. You can thank me later! Until then, I'll see you on Twitter! Where we can talk books! Don't forget to enter to win the beautiful Christina Lauren frame above!!! 


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