Thursday, July 23, 2015


I’ve been a blogging delinquent, I know. I can’t write about anything unless I am genuinely inspired. Well, color me inspired!!!!!!!!!! Who else could bring me back to write this post other than the one and only Emma Chase…or Emmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmma as I affectionately refer to her.

So…what’s so incredible that I have to take a moment and scream from the rooftops? Emma’s new book, Sustained—that’s what! Holy frack!!! It’s fantastic. I would use all shouty caps in this post if I didn’t find excessive shouty caps annoying as a general rule. But know:  THIS BOOK IS INCREDIBLE WITH A SIDE OF AWESOME!!! I LOVE this book. Like REALLY loooooooooooooooooooooooove this book. 

Here’s the thing: I’ve been a loyal Emma fangirl since she gave me Drew Evans in Tangled. I LOVE Tangled!!!!! Seriously-it’s one of my favorite books in the history of ever and I’ll fight a girl for Drew because I adore that little pain in the ass. But you see…this is where it gets tricky: I met Jake Becker in Sustained…and...I can’t believe I am saying this…*gulp*…Drew is now on the bench (given his love for the Yankees and Jake’s love for the law, I’m sure they both appreciate this analogy:). It’s all about Jake Becker, beautiful people. I will be Jake’s Chelsea McQuaid any day of the week and twice on Sundays. I know Jake is busy on Sundays but I’ll tag along ;)

Here’s what I want to say about this book now (full review to come): Emma does what Emma does best in this book. Signature Emma brilliance includes (but not limited to, of course):

  • Emma does male POVs like nobody’s business. She gives us Sustained all from Jake’s point of view!!!
  • Emma makes us laugh. A LOT. Seriously…there were tears the first time Jake met Regan for the first time. “Hi.” *insert ALL the laughing emojis*
  • Speaking of Regan, that’s another thing Emma does best: She makes you fall in love with and/or want to punch all of the supporting characters. 
  • Also, it wouldn’t be an Emma book if she didn’t bring the heat. Which she does. Holy frack, does she bring the heat!!!!   

If you can’t tell, I loooooooooooooooooooooove this book. Sustained releases on August 25th. You  NEED this book in your life. Trust me!!! One click Sustained  HERE!!!!!!: More verbal vomit to come in my full review closer to release, but know this: You NEED this book in your life. As a general rule, you cannot go wrong with Emma Men (ha! try saying that 3 times fast), but Jake will own you. Completely, totally, always and forever own you. *insert ALL the swooning emojis*
