Friday, April 25, 2014


Have you heard the news?!?!?! Have you?!?!?!? Have you!?!?!?!?!?!!

More Beautiful goodness coming our way!!!!

I'm too excited to type but read it for yourself here:

C and Lo are giving us more Max and the boys?!?!?! We get a Beautiful Secret and a Beautiful Beloved!?!?!?!? AND they are going to tie in the Beautiful series with the Wild Seasons series?!?!? Will and Ansel in the same room? Kill. Me. Now.

I'm so excited! And grateful! And a smidge greedy b/c as soon as I read this article, my first thought was: Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I bet I'm going to get more Will too! They HAVE to give me more Will, right!?!?

Okay, I can't even type. I just need to sit here in be excited. Holy decapitated (ceramic) baby Jesus!!!! Ooooooooooooooooooomg.

If you haven't read and loved the Beautiful series, we can't be friends. Well, we can be friends but know that I will be secretly (okay, not so secretly) judging you. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!!!

Find all the links to buy ALL of Christina Lauren's books here:

I'll just be over here excited if you need me....


Thursday, April 24, 2014


Okay guys. Buckle up. One. Week. From. TOMORROW. Can you feel my excitement bleeding through my words as I type!?!?!? One week from tomorrow I will be at base camp—you know, the lobby of the Chicago Hilton spying a very rare species. Said species is known as: #AuthorsWhoMakeMeWantToCryLaughLoveAndPeeMyPantsAllAtTheSameTime

I bet you didn’t know that was a thing. Well, it is.

Unless you have been living under a rock, you know I am talking about Alice Fucking Clayton accompanied by the snugglicious Enn, C-Lo (not the singer with freakishly short arms who resembles a T-Rex!) Rather, C and Lo or Christina Lauren, and Katy Evans!!!! They are my holy trinity! Yes, I know that there are technically 5 of them but they are MY holy trinity. I cannot even wait. This could go down one of three ways. Let’s explore the ways, shall we?

Option One: I am completely normal and I don’t embarrass myself at all. I act like the dignified, well-educated girl I am. I see my holy trinity, thank them for being made of awesome, and go on about my day with my dignity intact.

Option Two: I popsicle. On sight I completely freeze up, forget my name, forget their names, forget their books. Everything. I freeze. Say nothing. Stand there and just stare like a creepy statue. I might even start drooling on myself. Think Cameron from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.

Option Three: All these weeks of mentally preparing myself—trying to keep my fangirl in check are all for nothing. Nothing! Upon sight of Enn, I drop to the ground and affix myself to her leg and beg her to love me and never leave me. Upon sight of Alice, I start cursing as if ‘Fucking’ really is her middle name. OMFG, you are Alice Fucking Clayton!!! All while I am at her feet bowing to her greatness. Oh shit. And then there’s C and Lo—which one do I assault first? Looking back and forth to the both of them so quickly like I have some form of Tourette’s all while babbling about Will and the decapitated baby Jesus and Twilight and OMG, I may go on forever. And then there is Katy. Tears. There will be big, fat tears!!!! Proceeded by me blathering on and on and on until she thinks I’m one of the adults from Charlie Brown talking. Oh dear. Hives. There may also be hives as the fangirl escapes. Oh dear. This could be bad.

Soooooo….I’m pretty sure there’s a 33.333333% chance of one of these options coming to fruition in a little over a week! I mean, this is a rare species!!!! What do you think a scientist does when he or she makes a great discovery like said rare species?!?!? It’s kinda like that! Oh God!!! Lo is a scientist! She will totally get me! #AuthorsWhoMakeMeWantToCryLaughLoveAndPeeMyPantsAllAtTheSameTime

Okay…you can go ahead and take bets as to how this is going to play out. I, for one, cannot wait!!!! I promise—this will be twittervised! Unless…well…of course, I fall victim to Option Two. Stay tuned beautiful people. Stay tuned. :)


Monday, April 21, 2014

RUSTY NAILED by Alice Clayton pre-order contest

Ummmmmm....have you ever started to type and you have to keep deleting what you are typing because you are so excited and you are not sure what exactly to say to properly convey your excitement!?!?!? Have you!?!?!? Come on. It can't be just me!

A little over a year and a half ago I read a book that will forever go down in the history of my favorite books. It's a classic. Pure genius, I say!!! Said book is Wallbanger. If you haven't read it, stop reading this post and go one-click it! That's an order! I love this book, I love Simon, I love Alice, I love it ALL!!!

It's very rare that I buy paperback copies of books because I am a Kindle whore. BUT! I finished Wallbanger and had to have this book so I ran off to Barnes &'s where my super genius sneaks out. I don't mind spending hours at a bookstore but I had been there a long time and I kept coming up empty. What's a girl to do? I'll ask someone! That's what I'll do! Why didn't I think of that an hour ago?

So I meander up to the kiosk, wait my turn, only to be greeted by a very polite grandfatherly gentleman in a Mr. Rodgers sweater. Oh boy. As sweet as he can be he says, "Can I help you find something, dear?" *gulp* Oh God. It's sink or swim time. Do I want this book bad enough to tell someone's grandpa that I want a book titled Wallbanger?

It should be noted that when I first read Wallbanger, it wasn't available in stores yet and I didn't realize that as I was searching the shelves at my local Barnes & Noble...I didn't realize it until my face turned 50 shades of red as I asked this grandfatherly gentleman where I could find Wallbanger. Yep, I asked him. I even had to repeat the title. Twice. Not sure if it was his old age that made him hard of hearing or my embarrassment that made me ask like a timid toddler or the fact that he was completely appalled by the title. I had to say it twice and spell it once. Kill me now. So you see kids, THAT is how much I love Wallbanger.

I walked away from Barnes and Noble that day empty handed. The nice man explained that it was a print to order book...I didn't stick around to get all the nitty gritty on what that meant exactly so I ran home and ordered it from the safety of my kitchen. And then! THEN I tweeted Alice asking for more Simon and she responded by telling me that there wasn't a sequel planned for Wallbanger at the moment. Kill me now. Again. But now!!!! Now do you see why I am having difficulty typing due to my own excitement!?!??! We are getting more Simon!!!!

MORE Simon!!!!!!!!!!! Sit back, kittens...and prepare to get nailed:) Alice Fucking Clayton is back!!!!! I. Can't. Even. Take. It.

Pre-order your copy of Rusty Nailed here:

As if you need any incentive to one-click this piece of perfection, there's a pre-order contest!!!!  Pre-order Rusty Nailed and be entered to win Caroline's favorite mixer!!! We know Caroline's mixer brings all the boys to the yard:)

Holy zucchini bread goodness!!! One-click this baby and email your proof of purchase to!!!! Now do you see why I am so excited?!?!?! More Simon AND a chance to win Caroline's favorite mixer!?!?!? I'll be over her praying to Clive for luck if you need me.

Oh...and when Rusty Nailed releases of June 24th, I'll be back at Barnes & Noble buying my hard copy that will be readily available on the shelves without needing the assistance of someone's grandpa:)

Get get nailed. Bring on Simon!!!

a Sweet Filthy Boy is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guys!!!! I am so freaking excited about this!!!!!

Sweet Filthy Boy  Summary

The New York Times bestselling author of Beautiful BastardBeautiful Stranger, and Beautiful Player starts a brand new story of friends, love, and lust with Book One of the Wild Seasons series.

One-night stands are supposed to be with someone convenient, or wickedly persuasive, or regrettable. They aren’t supposed to be with someone like him.

But after a crazy Vegas weekend celebrating her college graduation—and terrified of the future path she knows is a cop-out—Mia Holland makes the wildest decision of her life: follow Ansel Guillaume—her sweet, filthy fling—to France for the summer and just…play.

When feelings begin to develop behind the provocative roles they take on, and their temporary masquerade adventures begin to feel real, Mia will have to decide if she belongs in the life she left because it was all wrong, or in the strange new one that seems worlds away.


You can pre-order Sweet Filthy Boy here: 

and for you Nookers...

Just a little of my crazy...

I LOVE this book. Like LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this book. I didn't think that Christina Lauren could make me love anyone more than I loved Will Sumner because I love me some Will Sumner! Play on, Player on...BUT *insert nail biting* they did it! Ansel! Can you hear me? Come to momma!!!! Love, love, looooooooooooooove this book!!!

Clear your schedules for May 13th, pretties...there is a Sweet Filthy Boy coming your way!!!

Have a beautiful day, beautiful people!!!! xoxo

PS: Am I the only idiot in the village who constantly mispronounces and misspells the word filthy? Yep, I'm special like that... 

Friday, April 11, 2014

The countdown is ON!!!!!!!!!!! is know, a beautiful sunny spring day in Chicago! What makes this day so special, you ask!?! Three weeks from today I will be at base camp. Base camp would be the lobby of the Chicago Hilton, of course. Who hangs out in hotel lobbies? THIS girl! WHY, you ask? Ummmmm...only because some of my very favorite authors in the whole entire world will be descending on Chicago that weekend!!!

Are you listening!?!?!

Alice Fucking Clayton will be arriving with her very own taco, my very favorite publicist extraordinaire, Enn!!!!!!!! I will not lure Alice to my room with Chex Mix and Golden Girls DVDs. I will not. Hey Enn...I have lip gloss! *this is not a bribe*

Dude...Alice Fucking Clayton.

But that's not all!!!!!!!!!!

C and Lo...otherwise known as the BB girls...otherwise known as Christina Lauren!!!!!! Aghhhhhhhhh!!!! Think they will see the city with me?!?! After all, it is the city of THE Bennett Ryan!  Think they wanna go to La Perla and buy Bennett some panties to start ripping? Hey girls...I speak Twilight!!! *also not a bribe*

But that's not all!!!!!!!!!!

Katy Evans will be in Chicago. I am going to try not to burst into tears on sight. Try. Hey! I said I'd try! What do you want from me!?!?! Katy Evans...Remy's mommy. I. Can't. Even. Katy, love me! Just loooooooooooove me!!!!!

I'll be bringing gifts....just wait until you see what I am bringing each of these pretties!!! I'm so excited!!! *also not a bribe*

So, like I said, this time 3 weeks from today, I will be fully set up at base camp (lobby of the Chicago Hilton), with a fully charged phone to document my findings. That faint screaming sound you hear from wherever you are in the world? That will be me in full on fangirl mode when I spy Alice, Enn, Katy, C, and Lo. Oh dear god. Help us all. For all of you looking forward to seeing my absolute favorites at a signing on a later date, I promise not to hurt any of them. Fangirl's honor!

Wait...maybe I should send them ear plugs in advance? Enn tells me that she's prepared for #DefConDana but I'm not sure she quite understands the depth of my excitement. It's like this:

And some of this....

And maybe some of this....

Yeah...there is a lot of excitement in this fangirl. I have 3 weeks to get it under control...someone pass the paper bags, please? It's almost go time!!!!!

Alice, Enn, Katy, C, and Lo!!!! Come to momma!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Katy Evans: A Reader's Author. For REAL.

Today is such a special day. One year ago today the incredibly talented Katy Evans hit publish on REAL and unleashed Remington Tate on the world. I cannot believe it has been an entire year. HOW did that happen!?!?!? I have to take a quick walk down memory lane…who wants to walk with me? 

A little over a year ago, Ava, Kat and I were talking books per the usual and Ava said, “You HAVE to read this book.” I was resistant. I’m a pansy! I didn’t want to read this book. Underground fighting? Is she insane? There could be blood! My poor virgin eyes!!!! 

BUT Sweet Ava was adamant that I needed REAL in my life. We were having this conversation via Twitter. To my surprise, Katy popped in on our conversation and offered to send me an ARC! Who is this nice author lady? I like her.

I remember exactly where I was when I opened this book. I had just crawled into bed. I opened the ARC and thought that I would read a couple pages before I went to bed. Three hours later…I was still wide awake-reading! I didn’t know how I was going to function at work the next day but it was so worth the loss of sleep. SO worth it!!!

Once I opened REAL, there was no coming back for me. Remington Tate is the book boyfriend that ends all book boyfriends. I love him. Those of you who know me, know this to be true. I couldn’t pick up another book for months after reading REAL. I love it THAT much. But as much as I love Rem and the perfection that is REAL, I love Katy even more.

Katy is made of sweetness. I cannot think of an author with a bigger heart or a more gentle spirit than Katy. She is kind and wonderful and I love her. Do you want to know a secret about Katy? In private, she is JUST as amazing as you think she is. And! Here’s another fun fact—you think YOU love Remy? You think I love Remy? NO ONE loves Remy more than Katy.

The blood, sweat, and tears that Katy puts into her books makes her a reader’s author. Katy is not out there churning out a book every 5 minutes. Katy spends months and months pouring her heart and soul into these books to give us characters we believe in and stories we love. Katy is constantly thinking, polishing, and perfecting right up until the very last moment when she has to hand over her baby to have it published.

We know Katy now as  NY Times and USA Today Bestselling author but I assure you that Katy is still an indie author at heart in that these books are her babies—she writes these books not only to make us happy readers but she genuinely loves her craft and wants to do justice to her characters. She is a star. And I love her.

So let’s take a moment today to show Katy some love. She has some really great stuff going on over at her website today in honor of this special day so be sure to check it out! Here’s the link:

Go to her site and see the excitement! And then! is the perfect day to 1-click and/or gift REAL to someone who has not experienced the epicness that is this book. All the links to purchase are also on her site! I will be gifting copies later today as well! Oh! And did I mention…only a couple more weeks until I get to snuggle Katy IN PERSON!!! for REAL!!!! I cannot wait!!!

To Katy,

I love you, sister. Thank you for being you. I am so very thankful that the twitterverse brought you into my life. Truly, stars do not shine brighter than you. I love you.



Monday, April 7, 2014

this brings the giggles...

So I was sent an article and the email before the attachment read, “OMG. You HAVE to read this. Maybe you were on to something after all!!!” 


Wait. Was I supposed to be a scientist?!?!? What have I been saying all along? It’s the incessant, ‘hey look at me! I took another selfie with 500 filters’ phenomenon that drives me nutters. I get taking selfies with friends to remember certain fun events and occasions (think Ellen at the Oscars!) but sitting in your car for hours to capture the perfect pic of you with your coffee to tweet to the world. Ummmm. Really?

I’ll let you read the article for yourself—you be the judge but some of my very favorite parts include:

“Selfies frequently trigger perceptions of self-indulgence or attention-seeking social dependence that raises the damned-if-you-do and damned-if-you-don’t spectre of either narcissism or very low self-esteem…”  

And even better! It goes on to classify the different types of selfies…some of my favs (with pics!!!) include the 'duck face selfie' and 'gigantic whore selfie'. You have to see see these. HAAAAAAAAAAAVE to see these.

I am now convinced that Twitter was designed by scientists to study the crazy. I mean, where else can they find this many case studies? I love Twitter so much. Who knew I could love a science experiment so much?!?! :) Read more'll bring the giggles. AND! You will never look at another selfie the same way again...

Have a beautiful day, beautiful people!!!