Friday, April 11, 2014

The countdown is ON!!!!!!!!!!! is know, a beautiful sunny spring day in Chicago! What makes this day so special, you ask!?! Three weeks from today I will be at base camp. Base camp would be the lobby of the Chicago Hilton, of course. Who hangs out in hotel lobbies? THIS girl! WHY, you ask? Ummmmm...only because some of my very favorite authors in the whole entire world will be descending on Chicago that weekend!!!

Are you listening!?!?!

Alice Fucking Clayton will be arriving with her very own taco, my very favorite publicist extraordinaire, Enn!!!!!!!! I will not lure Alice to my room with Chex Mix and Golden Girls DVDs. I will not. Hey Enn...I have lip gloss! *this is not a bribe*

Dude...Alice Fucking Clayton.

But that's not all!!!!!!!!!!

C and Lo...otherwise known as the BB girls...otherwise known as Christina Lauren!!!!!! Aghhhhhhhhh!!!! Think they will see the city with me?!?! After all, it is the city of THE Bennett Ryan!  Think they wanna go to La Perla and buy Bennett some panties to start ripping? Hey girls...I speak Twilight!!! *also not a bribe*

But that's not all!!!!!!!!!!

Katy Evans will be in Chicago. I am going to try not to burst into tears on sight. Try. Hey! I said I'd try! What do you want from me!?!?! Katy Evans...Remy's mommy. I. Can't. Even. Katy, love me! Just loooooooooooove me!!!!!

I'll be bringing gifts....just wait until you see what I am bringing each of these pretties!!! I'm so excited!!! *also not a bribe*

So, like I said, this time 3 weeks from today, I will be fully set up at base camp (lobby of the Chicago Hilton), with a fully charged phone to document my findings. That faint screaming sound you hear from wherever you are in the world? That will be me in full on fangirl mode when I spy Alice, Enn, Katy, C, and Lo. Oh dear god. Help us all. For all of you looking forward to seeing my absolute favorites at a signing on a later date, I promise not to hurt any of them. Fangirl's honor!

Wait...maybe I should send them ear plugs in advance? Enn tells me that she's prepared for #DefConDana but I'm not sure she quite understands the depth of my excitement. It's like this:

And some of this....

And maybe some of this....

Yeah...there is a lot of excitement in this fangirl. I have 3 weeks to get it under control...someone pass the paper bags, please? It's almost go time!!!!!

Alice, Enn, Katy, C, and Lo!!!! Come to momma!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are honestly the most God-damn adorable person. I can't wait to hug the hell out of you. <3 <3 <3
