Thursday, July 10, 2014


Is it July already? Yes indeedy!!!!! Do you know what that means? Do you!?!?!?!?! It means that Tamed by the one and only Emma Chase releases in only 5 more sleeps! 5. More. Sleeps. Aghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! I'm excited! I love Emma. A lot. AND I love Tamed a lot too!!! You may remember a little of my crazy when I first read Tamed

And now it’s time!!! It’s almost time for everyone to buy and read and love this book. Pre-order this book now so that you have it waiting on your Kindle for you on July 15th! Here’s the  link!!!!!

I cannot wait to gush and gush and gush some more in my review. I. LOVE. THIS. BOOK!!!!!

To those of you who may whine a little b/c it’s not Drew. I promise you this: You will LOVE Matthew. You will. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind. I adore him and I’m the biggest Drew whore around! And! An added bonus with Tamed  is that we get to see characters we already know and love. For example…The Bitch:) Here's a little of Alexandra with Matthew and Dee... 

See…that right there gives me the warm and fuzzies:) I’m a big fan. Huge! I should probably start writing my review now b/c it’s going to take a while!!!! Do yourself a favor and clear your schedule for July 15th. You are going to need that day to fall in love with Matthew!
