Thursday, April 9, 2015

REAL is 2!!!!!!

Guys!!!! Today is the TWO YEAR Anniversary of REAL!!!!! Two years ago Katy Evans hit ‘publish’ and self-published REAL! Think about this: Katy wrote and published this masterpiece all on her own! She was quickly scooped up by a publisher because it did not take the book world long to recognize that she is a SUPER STAR!

One of my favorite books in the entire world turns 2 today and I couldn’t be more nostalgic! I looooooooooooooooooove REAL. I looooooooooooooooooove Remy. And Brooke! And I looooooooooooooooooove Katy Evans.

True story: I got to meet Katy in person last spring and she is just as sweet and caring and genuine and wonderful as you would expect her to be. I was lucky enough to be her assistant at her Chicago signing and my heart melted as reader after reader came up to her. Readers from all over the country were thanking her and hugging her and telling her how much Remy’s story meant to them. It was incredibly moving. At that time, we hadn’t met any of Katy’s other men but Remy was all it took to have Katy’s line completely full from the start to the end of the signing.

I love that day. Not only because I got to spend the entire day with Katy but because I got to watch her feel the love from all of the readers she has touched with her words. I have said this before and I will say it again: Katy is a reader’s writer. She pours her heart and her soul into every book she writes. She doesn’t take her job as an author for granted. She gives every book she writes her all and I couldn’t be happier for the success she has had. I. LOVE. HER. HARD.

If you have not yet read REAL, what are you waiting for???? You can one click the perfection that is REAL here! I’m also including links at the end of this blog post for all of Katy’s books, because, really, you can’t not have Katy’s goodness in your life! Goodness like THIS:

Rem had me at, "Your name..." Ooooooooomf! I am so thankful not only for this phenomenal book and for Katy but for all of the friends I have made as we bonded over our love for REAL and our lickable lion who is Remy. I cannot stress enough how much everyone who loves to read needs this book in their life! Perfection. Complete and total perfection.

So today…on this REAL anniversary, take a minute to gift this masterpiece to a friend who hasn’t met Remy yet. Take a moment and open your Kindle or flip through your paperback to remember why we all fell in love with the beautiful soul who is Remington Tate and appreciate the pure talent of Katy Evans! Go forth and gift and read!!! I’ll be spending the afternoon with Rem if you need me:)


Books by Katy Evans that you need in your life:

Remy and Brooke's story:
REMY (my FAVORITE!!!!!!)

Mel & Greyson's story:

Mackenna & Pandora's story:

Malcolm & Rachael's story:

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