Friday, April 10, 2015

Bennett, Max, Will, Ansel, Finn, Niall, Oh my!!!!!!

So I read an article yesterday that was ranking Nicholas Sparks’ book couples. I’ll be honest. I have never read a Nicholas Sparks novel. I have, however, been (begrudgingly) dragged to several of his movies. Every time I am forced to go to one of his movies I assure you that my friends have to endure my eye rolling, my snark, my sighing, and my ‘are you kidding me with this?’ commentary. I’m pretty much the embodiment of a moody teenage girl when I have to sit through a Sparks movie. But not even the pretty that is Scott Eastwood will get me out of my house to see this latest adaption. No way.

My question is: Who reads this stuff? I get that he’s a man writing books intended for women but what self-respecting woman reads this stuff? It seems to me that the women are placed in his movies to simply ogle the men they hope will somehow save them. Oh! And every plot ‘twist’ is about as subtle as an incoming freight train. I. Just. Don’t. Get. It. 

Okay…with that tangent aside, where was I going with this post…Oh! Yes! Ranking book couples! That’s where I’m going with this post. I decided that I would take a moment to rank my favorite Christina Lauren book couples. It got ugly! Me arguing with myself, that is:)

Oh! One more thing! Before I start ranking my CLo couples, I should note: I love these couples. I love them possibly because these are couples written by women! For women (and maybe some men)! And as a woman, I find it beyond refreshing to read non-submissive ‘I will not take your crap simply because you are hot’ women! Christina Lauren writes women who you do not want to punch in the face. They write women who belong in the here and now and not…say…1954. Okay…second tangent aside:)

Let’s do this!!!!!! Wait. Hold on. I should also note that this is painful. It is like choosing between my favorite kind pie! I loooooooooooooooooove pie. Like a lot. And! If you ask me at a later date, my favorite Christina Lauren couple could change. Aghhhhhhhhhhh. WHY is this so hard??? Okay…here we go…

6. Ansel and Mia
You know it’s bad when the sweetness that is Ansel is at the bottom of your list. And by bad, I mean: Ansel would end up on top if he was up against pretty much any other author’s character! I love Ansel. I love Mia. Viva La France!!! I mean…Ansel showed up in Dirty Rowdy Thing wearing a sombrero filled with tortilla chips…because, according to Harlow, he’s an ‘adorable idiot.’ Looooooooooove how sweet and tender Ansel is. It is really quite fascinating that Christina Lauren can write the bastard that is Bennett as unbelievably well as the tenderness that is Ansel. I love that Sweet Filthy Boy!!!

5. Max and Sara Aghhhhhhhhhh!!! One word: British. Another word: Rugby. *fans self* I was initially sad when I realized Beautiful Stanger wouldn’t be Bennett and Chloe part 2. But then I met Max and Sara and have been in love with this Brit ever since. Oh…and don’t forget one of my favorite Max scenes ever found in Beautiful Beginning! “Would you stop being such a twat and relax? I’ve got this.” Yes. Yes you do, Max!

4. Finn and Harlow Finnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!! Who knew I could ever want a rugged fisherman? Christina Lauren knew. That’s who!!! I don’t do outdoorsy anything. Like at all. I’m allergic. For real-completely and totally allergic but I would go to my allergist to get daily allergy shots if that meant I could be Harlow. Dirty Rowdy Thing indeed! Swooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon.

3. Bennett and Chloe Beautiful Bastard started it all. Do you know what is so perfect about Beautiful Bastard? That Bennett is such a complete bastard and it’s okay! It’s okay because Chole is a total biatch! They are so perfect together and I love Mr. Mills (insert cheesy grin) and Mrs. Ryan more than I can ever say. Also: The last line of Beautiful Beginning is my favorite last sentence to ANY Christina Lauren book. *wink*

2. Will and Hanna I have the world’s biggest smile on my face even thinking about Beautiful Player! I love this book. I think this is the first Christina Lauren book that I can quote by memory without referring to my insane amount of Kindle highlights! For example: “Guys really like the anal, don’t they…” *insert me almost peeing myself* “It’s just called anal. Not the anal.” I die. Right there! That’s not even mentioning the decapitated (ceramic) baby Jesus and all the other incredible Will and Hanna moments. Love! Love! Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove!

1. Niall and Ruby Beautiful Secret is the most recent Christina Lauren book I have read and 2 words: Niall Stella. My phone even knows how awesome he is. It autocaps to NIALL every time! He is the ‘everything I have ever wanted in a dream man, please make him be real so I can marry him!!!’ kind of wonderful. I am in love with Niall and Ruby and their story and everything about this book screams: PERFECTION!!!!!!!!!!! Less than a week before Beautiful Secret releases. Less than a week for the world to prepare for the next great book hangover. P. E. R. F. E. C. T. I. O. N.

I feel like going back to read every single Christina Lauren book…you know what would happen then? It would be like throwing my ranking up in the air and seeing how it lands just because every book is so freaking fantastic. I joke that they are magical writing unicorns because what else could explain that every single book is unforgettable? I love them all! The best thing is: I don’t just love the men in the books! I love the women! I want to be their friends. They are strong and a force to be reckoned with in every single way.

So this started out with why I will NOT be venturing out to see another cliché “Girl meets hot boy. Hot boy ‘saves’ helpless girl.” movie this weekend. Rather, I can stay home with the happiness in my Kindle…you know, with a Christina Lauren book that reads more like, “Girl meets hot boy. *insert filth and fun* They save each other. The end.” I say you stay in with me this weekend and to the same:) You can find EVERY Christina Lauren book HERE!!!!!

So tell me (and by tell me, I mean tweet me)…who’s your fav and why? 


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