Tuesday, June 24, 2014

magical unicorns and such...

I am not a writer. I have said this a bazillion times. I have no interest in ever being a writer. Period. However, I am a reader. I love to read. Wait. Let me clarify. I love to read great books by talented authors. I will support authors I love even when they write less than great books. I was thinking about this the other day as I read a book and all I could think was: What the hell just happened here? What did she do?!?! Why?!?!? How did this go so wrong so fast? Let me double check that this is the same author I love. Yep. It is. Crap. Why?!?!?

So what is a reader to do in this era of ‘self-publishing, I know how to hold a pencil so I am going to write a book’ book writing? I’ll tell you what a lot of people do. They take to social media whether it’s in the form of blogs or Twitter or the book with a face that shall not be named and they rip the books and authors to shreds. Well, that’s one approach. I, however, want to take a different approach. Asking myself the ‘why/how the actual fuck did this happen?’ question led me to think…well, not all authors can knock it out of the park every time. I mean, that’s ridiculous. Who can write book after book that you fall head over heels in love with? That’s impossible. Or is it…

It was a light bulb moment! I heard Gru from Despicable Me in my head….LIGHTBULB!!!!! There are some authors who knock my socks off every single time. Specifically—right here and right now—I am talking about Christina Lauren (C and Lo). They are like magical unicorns! But not! I mean, they may indeed be magical unicorns disguised as humans but I have met them in real life so I assure you that they do indeed exist and are even more fantastic in person. BUT it makes me wonder…how do they do it? Do they never drop the ball because there are two of them?

Do you think that they ever read each other’s work and send each other notes that read something like: Did you ingest too much lip gloss? Our readers will have our heads if we try to put that in our book. OR a Have you been drinking again? No. Just no. And of course I envision them doing this with love—you know, throwing in a *falls at Lo’s feet* or a *pats lap* Any and all input, insight, criticism, ANYTHING!, all with love and knowing that they love each other more than anything and that they can genuinely call each other out on anything that is less than CLotastic.. Individually they are each incredible. Together they are a force of nature.

So is that it? Is that why they knock it out of the park every single time? Because they are individually incredibly talented with the best in-house beta readers in the form of each other? Do they have that trust amongst each other that they know whatever they say to each other in the writing and editing process is said with love and the other’s best interest at heart? Is that why they are at the top of their game? And if so, are other authors taking note? Is this the magic answer? I’m not saying that all authors should take on a co-author. No. Heavens no. BUT shouldn’t authors have beta readers to read their books and give them genuine and honest feedback? Is that what the world needs? Is that why I finish so many books thinking: What the hell just happened here? but am in my happy place any time I finish a Christina Lauren book? Or is it because they are indeed magical unicorns? Hmmmm…I’m gonna have to noodle on that for a little bit…

I guess the moral of this post is that C and Lo are magical unicorns. Wait. No. That’s not it. Hold on. The moral of this post is that there are A LOT of authors and even more books out there. You are not going to love every book you read. But here’s what not to do: don’t go to social media and rip the book and author to shreds. Not cool. At the very least, be kind and constructive when reviewing. But say you just read a book that has really ruined your day because it’s not what you expected from that author or that book—take a breath and pick up a book written by an author you love to help restore your faith. For me, it’s my magical unicorns. I’m currently re-reading Beautiful Player because one cannot go wrong with that book! So go forth and find your own magical unicorns….or just stick with the originals:) If you haven’t yet read anything by C and Lo, go HERE!!!!!

Happy reading, beautiful people!!!


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