Wednesday, June 11, 2014

THIS GIRL is HOPELESSly in (Ugly;) LOVE with the one and only Colleen Hoover

It’s happening!!!! Colleen Hoover is coming to Chicago! Only 3 more sleeps!!!! THREE!!!! I’m excited. Who’s excited? THIS girl! That’s who. Ha! See what I did there? ;)

So a little about my love for Colleen…

You guys know when I love a book, I REALLY love a book and that’s all you hear about from me on here and on Twitter until I convince you all to read and love and obsess over the book with me. Well, here’s how my love for Colleen came about.

Soon after Hopeless released I received several tweets telling me that I NEEDED to read this book. I balked at first because it was centered around high schoolers.  Yes, I know…I’m an idiot. In any event, I one-clicked it and I think it was at the top of my Kindle when I got on the stairmaster that New Year’s Eve morning. I thought to myself, ‘What the hay! Let’s give it a try and if it can distract me from the pain of this death machine, that’s a bonus.’ Distract me? I hoped it would distract me?!?!? It completely and totally consumed me. This was a problem. It was New Year’s Eve day! I needed to work out, shower and prepare for my day! I was hosting a party that night. I didn’t have time to read this book and trust me: IT WAS ALL I WANTED TO DO!!!!

That day was a blur—I played a little game with myself. Finishing up task after task and after every task, I’d get 5 minutes of Hopeless  reading. House cleaned—check! Holder time. Drinks on ice—check! Holder time. Silverware polished—check! Holder time. Desserts made—check! Holder time. Appetizers in the oven—check! Holder time. And on and on it went…after every task was checked off the list, it was Holder time. Guests start arriving…aghhhhhhh!!! What about my Holder time?!?!? This was a problem. I couldn’t check out of my own party so I’d have to sneak away here and there. Oh! Let me put away your coat—check! Holder time. :) I was pathetic with a capital P!

By the time my house was full of people and I ran out of excuses to sneak away, I got very little Holder time the rest of the night. I will admit that I did take my phone with me to the bathroom and I may or may not have had more bathroom breaks than usual but that is neither here nor there. I may have then had too much to drink and accidentally misplaced my phone so Holder time would be on hold until the next day.

I woke up New Year’s Day at the crack of dawn—with very little sleep—to a house that was a complete disaster and a hangover that was trying to kill me. What did I do? First things first: find my phone! Holder needs me!!!!! Okay. Yeah, I know. He doesn’t need me. I need him! The book gods were smiling down because I quickly found my phone. I spent the rest of that morning and afternoon reading Hopeless. Oh. My. God. Colleen Hoover has owned me since then.

I remember when I discovered the meaning of Holder’s tattoo for the first time. That memory is forever seared into my brain. Gasping! There was gasping! I remember after piece after piece was revealed thinking: How did I not see that coming?!?! while simultaneously thinking: How could I have ever seen that coming!?!?! There is so much about this book that I love. Oh so much. I’ll profess my love for Losing Hope tomorrow but holy hell. Hopeless will forever go down as one of my favorite books in the history of ever. If you haven’t read it yet, you must do so NOW. Like yesterday NOW. Do you hear me?!?!? Go HERE!!!!

And another thing…aside from Colleen writing one of my favorite books in the history of ever, she did something else. She gave me one of my nearest and dearest friends and she doesn’t even know it. As I was tweeting about sneaking away from my New Year’s Eve party to read this book, a certain someone who saw my tweets was intrigued. She tells me now that all she could think was: this must be a great book if she’s willing to miss out on a New Year’s Eve party of all parties. So she one-clicked Hopeless and fell in love with Holder and the incredible Colleen Hoover and by default, meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! I now get to call Kat one of my very best friends and I have Colleen to thank for that!!!! Kat--I loooooooooooooooove you!!! So while Kat lives all the way in Canada, I will be bringing my Flat Kat to the signing on Saturday. Are you ready for me and Flat Kat and treats, Colleen?

So…can you see now why I am so excited that THE Colleen Hoover is coming to Chicago?!?! Giddy! I am seriously giddy!!!! Be prepared good people. More Colleen love to come over the next couple days because THIS GIRL is HOPELESSly in (Ugly;) LOVE with the one and only Colleen Hoover.


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