Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Chocolate Bar!!!! after I just confessed my day of gluttony and promised never to do it again, one would think that I would not be writing a post titled, "Chocolate Bar" but I am...BUT it's not what you think. Promise.

I have a very good friend who I love more than life itself. She has put up with my crazy since we were randomly thrown together as college roommates many moons ago. I tell her every day how lucky she is to have me but in reality (and b/c I know she's not reading this) I'm the lucky one. She is made of everything that is good in this world. She also has the sweetest little boy who has the world's biggest personality. I'm telling you--watch out for this kid--he's gonna take over for Fallon when he retires one day. He's that funny--and he's only 4!

Why am I telling you this? I'm telling you this b/c her son, Gavin has a rare form of glycogen storage disease (GSD). There are several variations of this disease and these variations range from treatable to life threatening.  We are very thankful that Gavin has a less severe variation of GSD but not all children are so fortunate. THUS this Chocolate Bar!!!! post:) Watch how I relate this story to books…

Go with me here, good people…we all know the one and only Colleen Hoover. You know—the woman who made us cry our faces off with books like Hopeless, Losing Hope, Slammed, and Point of Retreat?  Colleen is incredible for so many reasons but one reason is she makes every single one of her books memorable. There’s always something that sticks with you. Do you remember in Slammed when Kiersten explained that the FCC was responsible for inventing cuss words just for media shock value and she started using “Butterfly you!” and “Go butterfly yourself!”? That is classic Colleen Hoover!

What does Colleen Hoover have in common with this GSD I’ve been telling you about? My friend sent me a link today about a boy named Dylan who has a friend named Jonah. Jonah has a very rare and acutely dangerous form of GSD and all Dylan wants is for his friend Jonah to live. But GSD is so rare and there is very little funding for research of this disease so Dylan was on a mission. What’s a 6 year old to do to help save a friend’s life? He wrote a book!

Dylan wrote his very own book titled, “Chocolate Bar.” Much like Colleen in that Dylan is now an author but even more like Colleen in that he took a word and turned it on it’s head. Instead of “butterfly,” “chocolate bar” is Dylan’s word of choice. For Dylan, “chocolate bar” means “awesome” For example: “Disneyland is so chocolate bar.” Do you love this kid or do you love this kid?

The moral of this blog is that Dylan is butterflying awesome!!!! You can read his story here: 

OR you can visit the website to learn more about Jonah’s life living with GSD and Dylan’s mission to keep his friend alive. Something else that is amazing about “Chocolate Bar” is that ALL of the proceeds from this book will go to fund research for GSD. You can order your copy of the book here: !!! 

I say that it would be butterflying awesome if you took a moment to read Jonah and Dylan’s story and that it would be even more butterflying awesome if you spread the word and/or bought yourself a copy of “Chocolate Bar.”

You know that I have to be a special kind of #bookwhore when my first thought after reading Jonah and Dylan’s story was: Hey! He’s just like Colleen Hoover!  I do love me some Colleen Hoover—she’s super chocolate bar! And you guys! You guys spread the “Chocolate Bar” love…pretty please? I’ll butterflying love you forever!


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