Saturday, March 29, 2014

Holy decapitated (ceramic!) baby Jesus! It's happening!!!

So it's almost April!!! Do you know what that means!??!?! It means it's almost May! Do you know what THAT means?!?!? May 2-4th is the Chicago Author Event. Do you know what THAT means!?!?!? It means that I am FINALLY going to get my hands on some of my very favorites!!!

I know the headlines that scroll along on the bottom of your screen when you are watching the news? My scroll for the Chicago Author Event is as follows: Katy, Alice, BB girls, Enn, Katy, Alice, BB girls, Enn Katy, Alice, BB girls, Enn Katy, Alice, BB girls, Enn, Katy, Alice, BB girls, Enn, Katy, Alice, BB girls, Enn, Katy, Alice, BB girls, Enn, Katy, Alice, BB girls, Enn, Katy, Alice, BB girls, Enn, Katy, Alice, BB girls, Enn!!!!And it just keeps scrolling!!! I cannot frigging wait! I promise no authors will be harmed at this event!

I am so beyond excited! Oh! And double bonus! I am going to get to meet some beautiful tweeps I have been dying to meet in person for what seems like forever. It is going to be a great weekend! I hope some of you who are just thinking about coming decide to come! It’s gonna be FUN!

So…back to my brain that keeps screaming Katy, Alice, BB girls, Enn!!!! on repeat…it’s a bit out of control. I can’t even think of a GIF that would do my excitement justice at the moment. Holy bleep!!!!! I mean, I’m going to meet the pretties who gave me Remy and Simon and Sweet Nuts and Will and Bennett and Max. Holy bleep!!!! How does one prepare for that?!?!?

I was considering offering up a beheaded (ceramic!) baby Jesus as tribute to C & Lo but for the love of God, that’s a one-way ticket to hell! Well…I mean, if someone has accidentally beheaded a ceramic baby Jesus, I’d take it but I do not need THAT in my Google history (it’s bad enough already!) and I’m not sure I could Hail Mary my way out of that one;)

So…ummmmm…yeah…I’m excited. That’s all. Truly. Genuinely. Can’t-frigging-wait-I-may-pee-my-pants EXCITED!!!! You will be hearing so much more about my excitement as the day gets closer but holy decapitated ceramic baby Jesus! It's happening!!!

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