Friday, March 28, 2014

50 reasons to say YES! to fangirling fun:)

To follow-up on my twiposal to the one and only EL James, I thought I'd make a list. You know, a list as to why the Queen should be my date for the Chicago Author Event in May (May 2-4, 2014)…Let me count the ways…how about…say 50 reasons in no particular order…

1. It’s Chicago!
2. She is made of awesome
3. I’m made of semi-awesome
4.  We can take shoefies together
5. We have pizza!
6. And hotdogs!
7. And a Nutella Bar (did you hear me?!?!? A Nutella Bar at Eataly!)
8. Pretty sure CTG really stands for Chicago Tastes Great!
9. I’ll sign a NDA should she request;)
10. I’m funny
11. She’s funnier
12. She clearly needs more frequent flyer miles
13. Us fangirls have got to stick together!
14. She is THE Queen!
15. I speak Chicago
16. She speaks British
17. Together we speak Chitish
18. I want to thank her
19. Genuinely thank her for opening up this whole new world (not THAT kind of world, you pervs!)
20. Thank her for my new love of authors and books
21. Thank her for my tweeps I discovered in the Twitterverse
22. Thank her for being an old school fangirl
23. We can watch Twilight together
24. Come on! We can giggle every time Edward says, “Beller”
25. We can drink together! We have wine…
26. I get to say: it's NOT porn. It's a love story!!! *with pornish undertones;)*
27.  I won’t try to sneak back to the UK in her luggage—promise!
28. She is British—a picture of refined decorum
29. I’m an American—a crazy nutbag!
30. Together…we can be refined nutbags
31. Pretty sure ARS really stands for Always Really Silly
32. I’ll be on my best behavior
33. I’ll work really hard to control the verbal vomit
34. London has Big Ben
35. Chicago has Willis Tower
36. Together we are Big Willie Style
37. Since she wrapped filming, I’m sure her passport feels neglected
38. Did I mention the Nutella Bar? I think it’s worth mentioning again…
39.  We can chase the dawn—just kidding—that shit is scary and I’ll be sleeping
40. BUT we could drink until dawn & watch the sun rise over Lake Michigan
41. OR we can sleep way past dawn and wake up just in time for lunch & a Chicago latte
42. I’m fifty shades of a fangirl
43. It will be FUN
44.  I won’t ask her ANY movie questions (pinky swear!) 
45. We can talk rugby…or hot rugby players
46. It’s for the children!!! Just kidding. It’s not for the children, It’s for me:)
47. I want her to O.o. me in person
48.  She made shouty capitals a thing
49.  Me daily: You just shouty capitaled me!!!!
50. Because this fangirl needs a date! And what better date could I ask for than the fangirl of all fangirls who does us proud every time she meets someone who is squeeeeeeeeworthy.

I should probably be shocked at how quickly those 50 reasons came off the top of my head. But I’m not. This fangirl wants a date for this author event and I want the one and only EL James. Pretty sure EL does the impassive stare (via Twitter) even better than 50…so I’ll wait…wait for her to clear her calendar…you know, delayed gratification and all…

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