Monday, March 17, 2014

That'll teach me to play on Twitter on a Sunday night...maybe.

So I was minding my own business last night and scrolling through Twitter as I was watching the Blackhawks game and it seemed like EVERYBODY was tweeting about The Walking Dead. If you watch the The Walking Dead and haven't watched last night's episode yet, please stop reading this post. Like. Now.

So like I said...I was scrolling through Twitter and I was convinced EVERYBODY I followed was tweeting about The Walking Dead. I do not watch this show. I do not. I was traumatized by Michael Jackson's Thriller video as a small child. Hence, I do not do zombies. NOT AT ALL. NO FREAKING WAY.

I don't do zombies but was reading these tweets and of course, it wasn't good enough to just see the #TWD hashtag and keep moving--I actually read the tweets. At the time, it was no big deal. I made some horrified faces and had "how the bleep to people freaking watch this show" commentary running through my brain. I mean, a little girl kills her little sister in a horrific way and then a woman tells the little girl who murdered her little sister to look at the flowers while she shoots her in the head. Ummmmmm...really? People watch this? Pass. NO THANK YOU. But I'm a grown up now. Not a big deal, right? Wrong.

Then it happened. I fell asleep. Apparently I fell asleep with thoughts of zombies in my head. Did I mention I was traumatized by Michael Jackson's Thriller video as a small child? TRAUMATIZED. Not 'oh, those look scary' kind of traumatized but 'snuck in my parent's room and slept with them every night for weeks and never slept with the light off again' kind of traumatized.

I swear to God. This morning I felt like I was 5 years old all over again. WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?!?!? Nightmare. Complete and total nightmare!!!! I woke up before my alarm went off for the gym because I was having the world's worst nightmare. There were zombies everywhere and we were all going to die a horrific death. It was awful!!! I woke up and couldn't even leave for the gym because it was still dark outside. There could have been zombies in my garage!

I kid you not. I missed the gym this AM because I refused to get out of my bed in fear of zombies. Irrational, I know. BUT it doesn't change the fact that it's the truth. That'll teach me to scroll through Twitter on a Sunday night and read ANY tweets that involve The Walking Dead. So I'd like to thank all of you beautiful people for scaring the shit out of me. I've been doing okay since it's been daylight but as the sun starts to set, the anxiety is starting to creep in. This is not cool and I don't think my trainer will accept the "I can't make it to the gym at 5 AM because it's dark and I'm afraid of zombies" excuse. He's gonna think I'm at home eating pie!!! I will be in touch with you again soon if I have another nightmare tonight. last thing: Don't try the "You just have to watch it. You will love it." spiel. NO. JUST FUCKING NO!!!!! This girl will be over here hiding in her closet if you need me.


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